Moissanite Tension Engagement Ring with Sidestones Moissanite Tension Engagement Rings

Tension rings are stunningly beautiful and can even seem magical in the way they hold your precious gem in place. Tension engagement rings are also known as "invisible", "floating", or "suspended" gem settings.

Originally introduced in Austria as a simple round ring, it was still nothing short of jaw dropping in its unique method of securing its gem with tension on its girdle.

Seemingly precarious, with a little metalurgical magic the gem is held in place with 12,000 psi point pressure. This presure secures the gem into etchings perfectly matching the facets on the girdle edge. Your tension set gem is more secure than it would be even with a six prong head.

Does 12,000 psi seem like alot of pressure? It is! Moissanite is the second hardest gem (second only to a diamond), and since it has no fracture points (as diamonds do), moissanite is the toughest gem on the planet. This makes moissanite ideally suited for setting in tension engagement rings. Diamond inherantly runs the risk of cracking under pressure, but moissanite can stand up to that pressure guaranteed!

Moissanite Tension Bypass Ring
Moissanite Tension Rings are Advanced Fine Jewelry

Engineering advancements and improved alloys have allowed us more freedom to be creative with moissanite tension ring designs. We think you'll love our designs, but if you have an idea in mind that you just can't find here let us know! We're pretty amazing at bringing your design ideas to reality. Give us a call and we can give you a good idea of cost and timeframe on a custom tension ring design (typically 15 business days from design to shipment.)

Few jewelers possess the skills to make truely spectacular designs and bring those designs into a quality product. Far fewer also have the unique metalurgical training and skills to make a genine tension ring.

For this reason, it is imperative that any work performed on your new tension ring is done by us. Any adjustments made to your tension ring by a jeweler other than Laraci will void its warranty.

Accurate Finger Size Measurements are Crucial!

Unlike typical engagement rings, tension rings cannot be cut (cutting permanently destroys the tension). It is possible in some cases for some styles that we can adjust a tension ring up a 1/2 or so, but we can almost never go down in size. Know that in most instances, when it comes to changing the finger size, the ring will need to be completely melted down and remade. This is too much labour and cost for us to offer as a free service, so with tension rings we always stress the importance of having your finger professionally measured with the width of the finished ring in mind. If we are unable to resize your tension ring without melting it down, we will do the work at cost. Call us and we'd be happy to talk to you about costs in remaking a moissanite tension ring.

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